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¿Qué Son Los Moluscos? (What Are Mollusks?)

¿Qué Son Los Moluscos? (What Are Mollusks?) - Conozcamos Las Especies Marinas (Let's Find Out! Marine Life

Hardback (30 Dec 2016) | Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

Marine biology is both essential and inspirational to human life. The bodies of mollusks in particular allow them to live aboveground, underwater, or both, depending on the species. Readers will learn about the unique contribution oysters, squid, and slugs, all of which are different classes of mollusks, make to their habitats. Their diets, their vulnerabilities, what they leave behind, and what threatens them take shape on pages that depict what mollusks are through both stunning photography and highly organized prose.

Book information

ISBN: 9781508105008
Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc
Imprint: Rosen Education Service
Pub date:
DEWEY: 594
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 295g
Height: 203mm
Width: 208mm
Spine width: 8mm