Puzzle-Claude Monet

Puzzle-Claude Monet - Pomegranate Artpiece Puzzle

Merchandise (27 Aug 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Monet began to paint the lily pond in his garden at Giverny while he was completing his series of Rouen Cathedral. In the last decades of his life, his prized water garden and the footbridge he built over it became his most importantand eventually onlysubject. He began construction of the water garden as soon as he moved to Giverny, petitioning local authorities to divert water from the nearby river. Monet remade the landscape with the same artifice he applied to his paintingsand then he used it, in turn, as his creative focus.

Book information

ISBN: 9780764940446
Publisher: Pomegranate Communications
Imprint: Pomegranate Communications
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: 896g
Height: 254mm
Width: 327mm
Spine width: 48mm