Pure Gold

Pure Gold

Paperback (01 Feb 2008) | Chinese

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Publisher's Synopsis

Many people are familiar with Eric Liddell because of the movie Chariots of Fire. However, this biography deals with much more than just his gold medal in the 1924 Olympics, which occurs only a third of the way through the book. Later in life he returned to the mission field in the Orient where his father had served, and where he was born. This book follows the life of a man who was sold out to God and was willing to give up his fame and career to follow Him. This inspiring story shows a man who not only won an Olympic race, but one who raced as if to win the eternal prize. 本书讲述了伟大运动员兼教育家埃里克-利迪尔的传奇一生。 埃里克1902年出生在中国天津,中文名叫李爱锐。1907年,他随父母回到苏格兰,度过了童年和青少年时代。大学期间他的体育天赋得以充分发挥,被誉为"苏格兰飞人"。1924年,在巴黎举办的第8届奥运会上,他以47秒6的成绩打破了400米奥运会纪录和世界纪录,夺得了该项目的金牌。 然而在1925年,正值其体坛生涯的巅峰时刻,埃里克毅然回到出生地中国天津,任教于天津新学书院。 1924年,埃里克及众多西方侨民被日军押送到山东潍坊集中营。在3年的囚禁生活中,他坚持公道、伸张正义、乐于助人、幽默乐观,受到人们的爱戴。不幸的是,关押期间,埃里克身染重病,由于集中营里的条件极为恶劣,得不到及时治疗,于1945年去世,年仅43岁。 1981年,根据埃里克-利迪尔的人生经历拍摄的电影《烈火战车》,荣获第54届奥斯卡最佳影片等四项大奖。这是迄今为止唯一获奥斯卡大奖的体育片。

Book information

ISBN: 9787501233120
Publisher: Zdl Books
Imprint: Zdl Books
Pub date:
Language: Chinese
Number of pages: 330
Weight: 431g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 19mm