Publisher's Synopsis
"HE BROUGHT MY DAUGHTER HOME ALIVE!" -Kim Flewelling, Kitchener, Ontario Canada
"Thank You Robbie Thomas! His gift helped us locate a missing endangered adult today!"-Law Enforcement Officer, Andy DeLay, Kenneth City PD, Florida
Robbie Thomas lends his ability to helping Law Enforcement and families, in finding justice to some of the most heinous crimes committed. Over many years with complete documented validation, Robbie has helped in murder and missing person's cases internationally. 'Psychic Profiler - The Real Deal, True Crime Cases', illustrates completely, factual events that are well documented and endorsed by Law Enforcement and families. Never before seen information that has crossed into Robbie's office through text messages, emails and that of also being on scene with Police, photos that are now within this book.
It clearly demonstrates the validity of his ability in finding and solving some of the most horrific cases known. He has brought individuals who were held against their will home ALIVE, and in on one SPECIAL case, a man's life hung in the balance, as Doctors declared him brain dead, wanting to take him off life support. Enter Robbie Thomas, Psychic Profiler and within five minutes, renders a total opposite outcome that will leave you breathless! Read all the testimonial letters from families as they praise the work of Robbie Thomas.
"I can tell you that if you don't want to waste any time, and you want results, Robbie Thomas is the "Real Deal" he has proven over and over again." -Bobby Bolk, FBI Retired
"Everything in this book is so accurate! Mind Blowing Read! It's well written...It's so well presented! WOW!" -Jimmy Church, Fade To Black/Coast To Coast Am/History Channel/A&E Networks
"This Is The Book To Read In 2018!" - Lee Poye, Dead Zone Radio Show
"Get This Book, It's Amazing!"- Andrea Whitney, Award Winning Criminal Journalist, Hearst Media
"GOOD BOOK! The stories are amazing. Many testimonials and 'EVIDENCE' provided!" -Angela Thomas, Host On The Fringe Media
"I'm blown away by the eye witness testimonies and police reports! Truly an amazing book Robbie." -Daryl Marston, The American Ghost Hunter Live Show KCOR Radio
"Once this book hits the market, it will change the way people look at psychics." -Steve Dunn, Paraligion Radio
"In depth ride for the reader! Numerous testimonies cornerstone cases throughout. Truly a unique, interesting and well-paced read."-Adam Ginsberg, Actor/Producer
"I have worked with Robbie Thomas first hand as an active Law Enforcement Officer. Robbie's gift coupled with good police work, gives victims and families closure and puts bad guys in jail! Thank You, Robbie!" -Active Law Enforcement Officer, Andy DeLay, Kenneth City Police Department, Florida
"While working a double homicide case with RObbie Thomas, we together were able to distinguish many missing aspects of the case at hand. His ability to see two steps ahead and envision details is remarkable! In another case I had him give details on, the arrests were made exactly how he said it would happen! It was just AMAZING! I don't endorse psychics at all, but Robbie Thomas is one I totally stand behind!" -Retired International Police Chief, Kevin Smith, United States
"I have great respect for Thomas and his dedication to helping the families who become victims of unsolved murders and missing persons. It's been interesting reading about where he comes from and what's made him into the person he is today. It's a fascinating trip into the mind of Thomas and a few of his many cases. Whether you're interested in the psychic that he is or the aspect of the crimes he's helped solve, you won't be disappointed. I know I wasn't and I know him! -Martha Decker, Retired Assistant Chief Of Police, Tool Texas