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Proverbs for You

Proverbs for You - For You Series

Paperback (01 Aug 2020)

  • $15.48
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Publisher's Synopsis

In the Proverbs, God offers us wisdom for real life and he shows us Jesus, who was wisdom personified and exemplified.

This accessible, absorbing expository guide to Proverbs by Kathleen Nielson brings these ancient sayings to life, helping ordinary Christians to see what it can look like to enjoy living in line with God's wisdom in the great multitude of everyday situations and decisions we face.

This book gives an expository rather than topical treatment to the book of Proverbs, so it can be read as originally intended. It also has more application than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotions, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or sermon preparation.

Book information

ISBN: 9781784984274
Publisher: The Good Book Company
Imprint: The Good Book Company
Pub date:
DEWEY: 223.707
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 249
Weight: 310g
Height: 134mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 23mm