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Process Control in Practice

Process Control in Practice

Paperback (30 Nov 1991)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This text covers the basics of the control technology used, or beginning to be used, within process industries. It does not assume any mathematical knowledge above basic school level. The book is aimed primarily at practically-involved operators, instrument technicians and engineers who wish to deepen their knowledge of control technology. However, it is also suitable for those involved in theoretical work who want an insight into the solution of practical control problems within process industries.;The book starts by going through different ways of describing the process to be controlled, together with the structure of the PID controller and its areas of application. It then provides descriptions of some methods of tuning PID controllers. Many problems in automatic control arise because the characteristics of processes are different under different operating conditions. Methods for solving these problems are discussed. In addition, different ways of configuring instrumentation of the process are discussed.;The book ends by going through application of adaptive techniques within process industries.

Book information

ISBN: 9780862382940
Publisher: Studentlitteratur
Imprint: Studentlitteratur
Pub date:
DEWEY: 670.427
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 111
Weight: -1g