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Pride and Fall

Pride and Fall - Cathedral Lake

2nd ed.

Paperback (28 Nov 2023)

  • $18.71
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Publisher's Synopsis

Fear unchecked cripples. Fear conquered liberates.

Catch up with the Kellers one last timewith award-winning author Staci Troilo's latest tale of fear, loss, love, and recovery in idyllic Cathedral Lake.

Faith Keller has suffered much in her life-the murder of her sister, the near-destruction and almost-ruin of her family, a traumatic abduction. It's no wonder she battles the effects of PTSD on a daily basis. The last thing she needs is to be the subject of an intense police investigation for the very crime her father was blamed for years before. Yet, despite her family's staunchest efforts, she finds herself on the hot seat with a tenacious officer-one whose attention she actually relishes.

Carter Emerson takes his job seriously. It's the only tribute he can make to honor his fallen brother, and he's determined to do the title "police officer" justice. When he sets his sights on Faith Keller, he's torn. His mentor tells him he's got it all wrong, but the evidence doesn't lie. The worst part? He doesn't want her to be guilty.

He just wants her.

Book information

ISBN: 9781633736177
Publisher: Roan & Weatherford Publishing Associates
Imprint: Radiance
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 298
Weight: 440g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 17mm