Publisher's Synopsis
The world seems to be careening toward an all-domain World War III, marked by a global realignment not seen since the Cold War. Both sides are armed to the teeth with the most frightening, sophisticated technologies known to man. That conflict's prelude, according to Maginnis, has already played out on deadly battlefields in Ukraine and the Middle East. Unfortunately, as Maginnis demonstrates in Preparing for World War III, America is unprepared to fight the "axis of evil"-China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea-rapidly transforming our world into a demonic sanctuary that perhaps ushers in the prophetic end times.
Preparing for World War III:
- Shows that many Westerners believe global war is imminent
- Explains that most militaries are arming up with the latest technologies
- Demonstrates that key causes of past world wars are present today
- Identifies how frightening modern technologies redefine warfare
- Presents possible scenarios pitting equally capable belligerents
- Indicates that the US is unprepared and details what we must do
- Anticipates that war will hit our homeland and outlines how to survive
- Suggests how Christians should prepare for that future war
- Delineates indicators that war could usher in the prophetic end times