Publisher's Synopsis
What if you had a guidebook that you could turn to at each stage of your academic journey to help you navigate through the process of getting a PhD in biblical studies and succeeding in the academic world? This book is precisely intended to fill that need. From theory to practice, you will find discussions and answers to the most pertinent and pressing questions that prospective and current doctoral students are faced with: How do I choose a program? How can I gain admission into an elite program? How do I choose a research topic? Alongside the ""big"" questions about the process, there are also a host of smaller matters: How do I publish an article? What conferences are out there in my field? Where do I start looking for a job? How do I get teaching experience? How do I write a syllabus? This guidebook tackles all of these questions and many more in three parts: Prepare focuses on getting into a PhD program; Succeed guides you through the doctoral program, especially the writing of the dissertation; and Advance treats issues that relate to success in the academic world such as conference participation, publishing, employment, and best practices in teaching. ""Getting a PhD in biblical studies ain't a walk in the park, it's more like running for your life through the African Serengeti at meal time! Lucky for would be PhD students is that Dr. Nijay Gupta can be your tour guide as you start this journey. Nijay himself has been tried by the ordeal of a British doctorate, he's a successful graduate who landed a job, and an accomplished author to follow up. If you want to know about the A-Z of doing and finishing a PhD in biblical studies, this book will show you the way and save you much pain and frustration too. Anyone serious about doctoral studies in the field of Bible or Theology should consult this volume first."" --Michael Bird Lecturer in Theology at the Bible College of Queensland ""This volume is full of wisdom and advice from Gupta's own experience and countless hours of conversation about the topic. Nijay Gupta is a reliable guide for PhD studies-dispelling the myths and misunderstandings of academia. Gupta's Guidebook is essential reading for every stage of the journey."" --Daniel M. Gurtner Associate Professor of New Testament Bethel Seminary ""It is hard to imagine a more insightful or practical guide to obtaining a PhD in biblical studies and beginning one's career in the field. Many budding scholars and their mentors will be ecstatic that Nijay Gupta has put his experience and wise counsel into print. I wish I had had such a book when I was starting out."" --Michael J. Gorman The Ecumenical Institute of Theology St. Mary's Seminary & University ""There is quite literally a wealth of wisdom in these pages so quite a few will no doubt echo me in lamenting, 'If only this was published when I was writing my PhD!' Thankfully, this wonderfully helpful guide to the rigmaroles of PhD research also offers advice for those of us taking the first steps in teaching, publishing, conference paper presentation, and job hunting. This compact and lucid book will not only inform, inspire, and encourage at all kinds of levels, it could save many from the veritable smorgasbord of potential mistakes and traps that can beleaguer those with even the best of intentions. Read this book! You will only be doing yourself a favor."" --Chris Tilling New Testament Tutor St Mellitus College & St Paul's Theological Centre Nijay K. Gupta serves as assistant professor of New Testament at George Fox Evangelical Seminary. In addition to Prepare, Succeed, Advance (Pickwick 2011), he has written two other books, Colossians and Worship That Makes Sense to Paul, as well as numerous articles for journals such as The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Horizons in Biblical Theology, Neotestamentica, and Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha. He is currently writing the 1-2 Thessalonians volume for Cascade'