Publisher's Synopsis
The phenomenal growth and development of the fields of neuroscience and neuropsychopharmacology over the past 20 years has produced an explosion of new information which has led to a better understanding and management of mental, neurologic as well as developmental and aging disorders. It has also become apparent that this group of diseases represents one of the most important public health problems in any society. This new volume in the series brings together leading experts from the fields of neuropsychopharmacology, psychiatry, neurology and psychosomatic medicine to discuss recent progress and provides readers with an indication of future developments. The molecular biology of receptors and their subtypes is a field of major promise and one which receives particular attention in this volume. Emphasis is also placed on the role of molecular genetics, a vital tool for understanding the nature of mental and neurological diseases. It is hoped that this research will become the foundation for the field of neuroscience as we advance toward the 21st century.