Precious Materials

Precious Materials The Arts of Metal in the Medieval Iranian World - Gingko Library Art Series

Hardback (21 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A historic collection of metal art from ancient Iran, featuring images of more than 150 objects described in detail and fully illustrated, some with X-rays.

Medieval metalwork is one of the artistic highlights of the Iranian world, as well as of the Département des Arts de l'Islam at the Louvre in Paris, which holds more than one hundred and fifty objects from this period. A new approach to the study of a historic collection, Precious Material: The Arts of Metal in the Medieval Iranian World is a comprehensive overview of the production of metal in medieval Iran. Although this is one of the most important collections in the world, the objects, some well-known but many more unpublished, have never been studied or published as an ensemble. This volume includes a presentation of the collection through the lens of its centers of manufacture, a full technical analysis, as well as the functions and contexts in which the pieces were used. Each object is fully described and illustrated in color with close-up or X-ray images, and many inscriptions have been translated and are included in the catalog entries.

Book information

ISBN: 9781914983122
Publisher: Gingko
Imprint: Gingko Library
Pub date:
DEWEY: 739.09550902
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 316
Weight: 2282g
Height: 247mm
Width: 297mm
Spine width: 35mm