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Père Goriot

Père Goriot A New Translation : Responses, Contemporaries and Other Novelists, Twentieth-Century Criticism - A Norton Critical Edition

Critical 1

Paperback (04 Feb 1998)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The text is accompanied by an introduction, textual annotations by the editor, and a map of Paris.

"Responses: Contemporaries and Other Novelists" illustrates Balzac's immense influence on other writers, among them Charles Baudelaire, Hippolyte Taine, Émile Zola, and Marcel Proust.

"Twentieth-Century Criticism" presents a superb selection of critical writing about the novel.

The critics include Ernst Robert Curtius, Albert Béguin, Erich Auerback, Georges Poulet, Michel Butor, Louis Chevalier, Pierre Barbéris, Peter Brooks, Sandy Petrey, Nicole Mozet, and Janet L. Beizer.

Book information

ISBN: 9780393971668
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Imprint: W.W. Norton and Company
Pub date:
Edition: Critical 1
DEWEY: 843.7
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 370
Weight: 364g
Height: 131mm
Width: 212mm
Spine width: 22mm