Publisher's Synopsis
Prayer. To some, it's a way of life, but to others, it can be mysterious or complicated. Oftentimes, it's referred to as a Christian discipline, which can make it sound difficult or oppressive.
However, prayer is a wonderful thing that provides many benefits. These benefits go beyond the individual praying.
People define prayer in various ways but the simplest way to describe it is communication with God.
There are different kinds of prayer and many ways to practice it. Benefit-producing prayer isn't recited but is communication that comes from the heart.
This book is that it is tailored specifically to what girls go through as well as things that all of us go through. So in addition to anger, pride, and such, there are also topics of rejection, relationships and things geared to what most girls experience and struggle with.
The prayers are very specific. They pray over the child as well as petition God for help with parenting the issue. The focus is truly about inserting God into every part of the situation. It's not just about changing the daughter, but also about changing the parent. This is so that God can be glorified and his will to be accomplished.