Publisher's Synopsis
Part of the second edition of The Electric Power Engineering Handbook, Power Systems offers focused and detailed coverage of all aspects concerning power system analysis and simulation, transients, planning, reliability, and power electronics. Contributed by worldwide leaders under the guidance of one of the world's most respected and accomplished authorities in power engineering, this carefully crafted reference provides convenient access to both overviews and detailed information on a diverse array of topics.
Updates to nearly every existing chapter keep this book at the forefront of developments in modern power systems, reflecting international standards, practices, and technologies. Four entirely new chapters discuss computational methods for electric power systems, flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) controllers, surge arresters, and probabilistic methods for planning and operational analysis. New material ensures up-to-date information on highly active areas such as switching surges, transient voltage response of coils and windings, short-term load and price forecasting using artificial neural networks, planning and reliability, power semiconductor devices, inverters, and active filters for power conditioning.
Remaining relevant in a rapidly evolving field, Power Systems guides you in the analysis, design, protection, operation, and reliability of modern power systems to ensure efficient and economical power delivery.
Other volumes in the set include:
Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
Electric Power Substations Engineering, Second Edition
Electric Power Transformer Engineering, Second Edition
Power System Stability and Control