

Paperback (02 Mar 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

After a carnal encounter with garbage, some space emerged for Danielle LaFrance to air her dildos. In #postdildo they think and write through the limitlessness and limitations of sexuality, communication, and desire. Focusing on the dildo as sexual object and social relation, LaFrance asks, "How shall You fuck without causing harm?" What came before #postdildo if not internet porn, the confession booth, colonial capitalism, settler sexuality, patriarchy, and feminism, all providing a blueprint for how inadequately to be touched and fucked? What comes after delights? #postdildo is a mass of contradictions that more often than not finds a lot of dis/pleasure in a lot of refusal.

Book information

ISBN: 9781772014372
Publisher: Talonbooks
Imprint: Talonbooks
Pub date:
DEWEY: 811.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 262g
Height: 151mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 14mm