Publisher's Synopsis
Part 1. Age Structure1. 2024: The Historic Reversal of America's Population2. America's Retirement Riddle3. America's Age Tipping Point is Approaching - we're Totally Unprepared4. As Americans Age, a Demographic Crisis Looms5. Caring for The Old6. Population Ageing: An Inescapable Future7. Quitting Work in Retirement? Fuhgeddaboudit8. Raise Retirement AgesPart 2. Climate Change9. America's Climate Change Conclusion10. Climate Change Conclusion: Time for Bold Action11. Climate Change Crisis Nonacceptance12. Climate Change Requires Population Stabilization for America13. Climate Change with 8 Billion Humans14. Earth Day to Earth Disaster15. Hamburgers and Climate Change16. The Climate Change Shuffle: Deny, Delay, and Do Nothing17. Too Hot for Climate Change: Limiting Population GrowthPart 3. Development18. Androids in Human Populations19. As Foes and Allies Rise, America's Downward Spiral Accelerates20. Billionaires 'kvetching' about Population Collapse21. Debunking Demographic Denialism22. Food and People23. Planet Earth into Planet Plastics24. Who's not Voting in America?25. Why Aren't More Women Angry?Part 4. Fertility26. Abortion and the Supreme Court: An American Tragedy27. Abortion Decision Felt Worldwide28. America's Views on Abortion Remain Steady - its Laws are a Different Story29. Don't Blame American Women for Fewer Births30. Future Fertility Fantasies31. The Challenges of High Fertility, Rapidly Growing PopulationsPart 5. Growth32. After Years of US Population Growth, it's Time for a Pause33. America's Majority - Minority Confusion34. America's Population Growth Future35. For America's Future Population, how much is too much?36. Is the US Population in Decline? More Ponzi Demography37. No, Henny Penny, America's Demographic Sky is not Falling38. Population Growth Diversity Continuing in the 21st Century39. Population Stabilization, not Growth, is the Key to America's Future40. Slower Population Growth Signals Successes and BenefitsPart 6. Households41. A Possible Solution to Childcare42. America's Single Parent Families43. Breakdown of Poverty in America is a Mirror to the Nation's Reality44. Dating in a Changing America45. Living alone in America46. The end of Marriage in America?47. Why aren't more American Women and Men in the Labor Force?Part 7. International Migration48. America's Immigration Policy Reform: Polemics, Idealism and Slogans49. America's Open Border Policy50. An Open Borders World51. For the Foreseeable Future, Immigration will Fuel U.S. Population Growth52. How Many More Immigrants and who should they be?53. Migration Pawns: Unaccompanied Children54. US Population Stability Requires Immigration - Just not too MuchPart 8. Irregular Migration55. America's Unauthorized Immigrants have been Left out of the Conversation56. Illegal Immigration Dilemma57. Illegal Immigration: A Global Crisis of the 21st Century58. Smuggler Services for Illegal Immigration59. What should be the Consequences for Illegal Immigration?60. Why the Surprise Over Illegal Immigration that's only Poised to Grow?Part 9. Mortality61. America's Pandemic of the Unvaccinated62. America's Unhealthy Lifestyles63. Demographic Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic: An Overview