Publisher's Synopsis
Excerpt from Plutarch's Lives, Vol. 1 of 6: Translated From the Original Greek, With Notes Critical and Historical, and a Life of Plutarch
Times, attempted a new one, which he executed with great elegance, and tolerable accuracy. The text he tollowed was not fo correet as might have been wilhed; for the London edi tion of Plutarch was not then publi?led. How ever, the French language being at that time in great perfeetion, and the faihionable language of almo? every court in Eumpe, Dacier 3 Trent' lation came not only into the libraries, but into the hands of men. Plutarch was univerfally head, and no book in thofe times had a more ex tenfive (ale, or went through a greater number of imprefiions. The Tran?ator had, indeed. Acquitted himfelf 111 one refpe? with great hap pinels. His book was not found to be French Greek. He had carefully followed that rule which no tran?ator ought ever to lofe fight of, the great rule of humouring the genius, and maintaining the (trueture of his own language. For this purpofe, he frequently broke the long and embarra?'ed periods of the Greek; and, by dividing and fhortening them 1n his Tran?ation, he gave them greater perfpicuity and a more eafy movement. Yet {till he was taithful to his original, and where he did not unitake him, which indeed he feldom did, conveyed his ideas with clearnefs, though not without verbofity, His Tran?ation had another difiinguifhed ad vantage. He enriched it with a variety of ex planatory notes. There are {0 many readers who have no competent acquaintance with the cufioms of antiquity, the laws of the ancient fiates, the ceremonies of their religion, and the A 4 remote:11x.
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