Publisher's Synopsis
This reference book is a complete guide to the trends and leading companies in the engineering, research, design, innovation and development business fields, covering those firms that are dominant in engineering-based design and development, as well as leaders in technology-based research and development. In this carefully-researched volume, you'll get all of the data you need on the Engineering & Research Industry, including: market analysis, complete industry basics, trends, patents, intellectual property, funding, research and development (R&D) data, growth companies, investments, emerging technologies, CAD, CAE, CAM and more. The book also contains major statistical tables. In addition, you'll get expertly written profiles of 500 top global Engineering and Research firms—the largest, most successful corporations in all facets of Engineering and Research, all cross-indexed by location, size and type of business. These corporate profiles include contact names, addresses, Internet addresses, growth plans, finances, research, marketing, technology, acquisitions and more. This book will put the entire Engineering and Research industry in your hands. Purchasers will find a form in the book enabling them to register for 1-year, 1-seat online access to tools at Plunkett Research Online, including the ability to view the market research/industry trends section and industry statistics. You have access, at no additional charge, to the very latest data posted to Plunkett Research Online. Online tools enable you to search and view selected companies, and then export selected company contact data, including executive names. You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package.