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Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study

Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study

Paperback (13 Jan 2025)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Word of God. It is undoubtedly the key resource for a faithful, fulfilling Christian life. Has your study of the Bible been consistent and fruitful or do you struggle to be energized and disciplined?

Experiencing Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study gives you a unique opportunity to be encouraged, challenged, and inspired by Dwight L. Moody, one of the most renowned evangelists and Bible teachers of all time.

He recognized the common struggle people have to regularly and thoroughly study the Bible. He passionately addresses fundamental topics such as:

How to Deepen Your Love for the Bible

The Inspired Word of God

How to Study the Bible

Studying Great Bible Doctrines and Topics

Knowing God's Word is essential for you to have a vibrant, growing Christian life. This classic work, refreshed and updated, will renew your enthusiasm to discover the life-changing truths contained in the precious Word of God.

Book information

ISBN: 9781835529911
Publisher: Bookado
Imprint: Bookado
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 60
Weight: 163g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 3mm