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Playing for Time

Playing for Time Making Art as If the World Mattered

Second edition

Paperback (31 May 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Now back in print... This groundbreaking handbook (first published in 2015 by Oberon and now needed more than ever in the face of multiple unfolding crises) is a resource for artists, community activists and anyone wishing to harness their creativity to make change in the world. Playing for Time explores the pivotal role artists play in re-thinking the future; re-inventing and re-imagining our world at a time of systemic change and uncertainty. Playing for Time identifies collaborative arts practices emerging in response to planetary challenges, reclaiming a traditional role for artists in the community as truth-tellers and agents of change. Fifty experienced artists and activists give voice to a new narrative - shifting society's rules and values away from consumerism and commodity towards community and collaboration with imagination, humour, ingenuity, empathy and skill. Inspired by the grass-roots Transition movement, modelling change in communities worldwide, Playing for Time joins the dots between key drivers of change - in energy, finance, climate change, food and community resilience - and 'recipes for action' for readers to take and try.

Book information

ISBN: 9781913743819
Publisher: Triarchy Press Ltd
Imprint: Triarchy Press
Pub date:
Edition: Second edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 392
Weight: 1144g
Height: 186mm
Width: 246mm
Spine width: 29mm