Plains Indians

Plains Indians

Book (29 Oct 1992)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Each book in the "Insights" series provides children with a broad range of topics in history, natural history and science. Six pages with fold-out flaps allow children the opportunity to discover historical facts or animal physiology, such as the exact movement an animal makes when it runs, jumps, flies or crawls.;This volume explores North American Indians of the plains. It describes their clans, chiefs, rites and troubled relationship with settlers and soldiers, focusing specifically on such historial events as the coming of the railroad and the Battle of Wounded Knee.

About the Publisher

Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Our products cover an extremely broad academic and educational spectrum, and we aim to make our content available to our users in whichever format suits them best.We publish for all audiences-from pre-school to secondary level schoolchildren; students to academics; general readers to researchers; individuals to institutions. Our range includes dictionaries, English language teaching materials, children's books, journals, scholarly monographs, printed music, higher education textbooks, and schoolbooks.

Book information

ISBN: 9780199100507
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Imprint: Oxford University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 970.004972
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 57
Weight: 569g
Height: 260mm
Width: 260mm