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Pioneers or Pawns?

Pioneers or Pawns? Women Health Workers and the Politics of Development in Yemen - Gender, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East

1st Edition

Hardback (04 Dec 2024)

  • $47.58
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Publisher's Synopsis

Using the Hodeida Urban Primary Health Care Project as a case study, Marina de Regt offers a fascinating analysis of how development policies of the state interconnect with agendas of global donor organizations and the employment of women in the face of social disapproval and barriers to advancement. She demonstrates women's positive impact on the complex workings of Yemeni health institutions. Her highly accessible writing blends keen observations steeped in personal experience with a thorough grounding in the theoretical literature. Through interviews and the experience of working directly with the women she writes about, de Regt gives voice to her subjects and offers an extraordinary portrait of the lives, emotions, and work of women dedicated to healing in a time of great political change. This vitally important work not only challenges preconceived notions about how health care is distributed in the Middle East but also questions the way women participate, facilitate, and resist the political change around them.

Book information

ISBN: 9780815631217
Publisher: Syracuse University Press
Imprint: Syracuse University Press
Pub date:
Edition: 1st Edition
DEWEY: 338.9533
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 383
Weight: 689g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 31mm