Pink Slip

Pink Slip - The Spies Who Loved Her

Paperback (25 Jul 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Kierra was a poor poet looking for a job while she worked toward her dream of becoming a published poet. One day she accidentally becomes the personal assistant to married spies. For the last three years she's lusted after them, not very secretively, until finally she decides it's time to move on with her life and gives her notice.

During her last week of work, her bosses whisk her away to Serbia for a top secret mission that only she can help them complete. And in the middle of dispatching a European dictator, Kierra and her bosses give in to their deepest desires.

Pink Slip is the first in an erotic/suspense/spy/comedy series that wonders what James Bond's receptionist's life might have been like. If James Bond had a wife and they both wanted to shag the receptionist. But the dirty American version of that. And all of the possible entanglements in between.

content warnings

graphic descriptions of violence

deaths on- and off-page


Book information

ISBN: 9781953908087
Publisher: Sea Port Press LLC
Imprint: Sea Port Press LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 222
Weight: 263g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 12mm