Publisher's Synopsis
This volume contains Leibniz's most important texts, starting with the "Discourse on Metaphysics" (1686), which marks the beginning of maturity in Leibniz's ideas, and ending with the "Monadology" (1714), written in response to requests for a systematic, organized account of his overall philosophy. In between fall other key works including the "New System of Nature" (1695), the "Specimen of Dynamics" (1695), "Nature Itself" (1698), and the "Principles of Nature and Grace" (1714). Also included in the volume are critical reactions to the "Discourse" and the "New System" by Leibniz's contemporaries, Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Bayle, and Simon Foucher, together with his responses.;All the texts are translated into English for this edition, and each is preceded by a summary explaining its background, structure, and content.;The "Oxford Philosophical Texts" series consists of authoritative teaching editions of canonical texts in the history of philosophy from the ancient world down to modern times. Each volume provides a clear text with a comprehensive introduction by a leading specialist, giving the student detailed critical guidance on the intellectual context of the work and the structure and philosophical importance of the main arguments. Endnotes are supplied to expand further on the arguments and explain unfamiliar references and terminology, and a full bibliography and index are also included.;The series aims to build up a definitive corpus of key texts in the Western philosophical tradition, which will form a reliable and enduring resource for students and teachers alike.