Publisher's Synopsis
Man's thought is insatiable, driven by some kind of innate instinct, it passionately rushes from one problem into another and cannot have enough. And so on and on forever, until it subdues the two-sided [single] issue: the issue of God and of man, in its essence, the all-issue, the solution of which defines the fate of man in all the worlds. You are rushing after man's secret? And what have you came across? Of course - terrible precipices, where both your mind and your heart and your conscience get broken into pieces. Oh! Through what darkness and through what precipices leads the way to the truth about man! Here the thought goes crazy because of pain, of anguish, of groaning, as if you have stepped into an endless hell, where weeping and gnashing of teeth reign. And all this shall continue until such time that after all these darknesses and precipices you shall not find the Cherubim essence of the human being - God. Thus you would have stepped on the path of light, leading to a perfect solution to all the major problems of human being in all lives.