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Peter Ruff and the Double Four (Esprios Classics)

Peter Ruff and the Double Four (Esprios Classics)

Paperback (23 Aug 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), was an English novelist, in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers. Featured on the cover of Time magazine in 1918, he was the self-styled "prince of storytellers. " He composed more than a hundred novels, mostly of the suspense and international intrigue nature, as well as romances, comedies, and parables of everyday life. Perhaps Oppenheim's most enduring creation is the character of General Besserley, the protagonist of General Besserley's Puzzle Box and General Besserley's New Puzzle Box (one of his last works). His work possesses a unique charm, featuring protagonists who delight in Epicurean meals, surroundings of intense luxury, and the relaxed pursuit of criminal practice, on either side of the law.

Book information

ISBN: 9781006434174
Publisher: Blurb, Inc.
Imprint: Blurb
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 382
Weight: 558g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 22mm