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Personal Development for Learning Disability Workers

Personal Development for Learning Disability Workers Supporting the Level 2 and 3 Diplomas in Health and Social Care (Learning Disability Pathway) and the Common Induction Standards - Supporting the Learning Disability Worker LM Series

Paperback (03 Jun 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

If you are working within the learning disability sector and studying for the QCF Diploma in Health and Social Care, you will find this book invaluable in helping you to achieve the unit on Personal Development. It will help you to become a person-centred worker, to reflect on your own performance and to develop a plan for your future development.

The book is easy to navigate, with each chapter covering one of the learning outcomes within the unit. Each chapter begins with an example taken from real people′s stories and lots of activities, photographs and other illustrations are included throughout.

Book information

ISBN: 9780857256096
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Imprint: Learning Matters
Pub date:
DEWEY: 362.3023
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 46
Weight: 210g
Height: 263mm
Width: 196mm
Spine width: 3mm