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Peppa Pig Hide-and-Seek A Search and Find Book - Peppa Pig

Paperback (04 Sep 2014)

  • $9.85
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Publisher's Synopsis

There are over 200 things to spot in this search and find book!

Peppa is going on a hide-and-seek adventure! Peppa's friends are too busy to stay and play so she takes the game to them!

Can you help Peppa look for her friends? Visit the museum, the gym and the supermarket too. This is the perfect Peppa book to keep little ones entertained at home!

There are lots more Peppa Pig books from Ladybird for you to enjoy including: The Big Tale of Little Peppa, Peppa's Big Race and many more.

Book information

ISBN: 9780723293125
Publisher: Penguin Random House Children's UK
Imprint: Ladybird Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 793.73
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 196g
Height: 315mm
Width: 245mm
Spine width: 4mm