Publisher's Synopsis
Time is running out. It may even be too late. The Harvesters are already here, buried in deep within Terra and ready to execute their plan. The gears are already turning, plots are in motion. It has begun here as it has already ended on Nemed. For that realm there is no hope. For Just as on Nemed, so too on Terra have come the monsters of darkness that raped our fair land of all its resources and exterminated the people. From the deepest, darkest dimensions they poured, full of rot and foul corruption. We were taken advantage of by those parasites, the filth who lusted and envied after our innocent purity and connection to our Goddess Nemed. Finding their way through the thin Astral veils between worlds, they took us by surprise. We were enslaved and everything taken. Our world became a starving, sundered wasteland. Our gentle people died in swathes. Famine spread, pestilence struck down our children and beloved elders. The monster's names became many, whispered by our subjugated and now hate filled people who's hearts, lacking hope, shrivelled to stone. The Grim. Canker, Swollen Belly and Fir Bholg we called them.The Cursed ones, Harvesters, reaping all there was and still filled with a need for more, glutting and swallowing everything and unable to quell their hunger. Demons we called them on Earth, and you are probably thinking that they look like monsters, easy to spot? You'd know if they were already here? Nope. They don't work that way. These things are evil, and cunning as the devil himself. They take over from places you'd never expect. So don't look for fanged, horned monsters in the dark, look to your politicians, your priests, teachers and leaders. The Harvesters are cunning and clever. They will be wolves dressed as lambs that gobble you right up before you can say Baa. But maybe, just maybe, this time, here on Terra we can make a change. We are ready. We have learned. With you Ivy, we can fight! We have a chance to stop them. It is time.....are you ready?