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Pearson Bug Club Disney Year 2 Pack B, Including Orange and Purple Band Readers; Finding Dory: A Day With Dory, Wreck-It Ralph: The Go-Kart Race

Pearson Bug Club Disney Year 2 Pack B, Including Orange and Purple Band Readers; Finding Dory: A Day With Dory, Wreck-It Ralph: The Go-Kart Race - Bug Club

1st edition

Paperback (17 Nov 2022)

  • $16.88
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Publisher's Synopsis

Bring reading to life with well-known, family favourite characters!
  • Help your child progress at home with Bug Club and Disney Year 2 colour book band readers.
  • Bug Club captures children's imagination, nurtures lifelong readers, and is proven to work: research shows that after 18 months, children using Bug Club were 11 months ahead of their expected reading age.
  • Bug Club at home will complement children's school learning as they develop comprehension and fluency and provide independent reading practice with fully decodable phonics patterns.
  • Children can engage with extra learning content, and activities at the back of each book - now with their favourite Disney characters!
  • The books all feature our specially designed dyslexia-friendly font and are set on pastel coloured backgrounds to help reduce visual stress.
  • Already used by 1.5 million children in over 3,300 Primary schools in the UK, Bug Club is an ideal solution to help fill in any reading gaps.

Book information

ISBN: 9781292452180
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Pearson
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
Language: English
Weight: 268g
Height: 220mm
Width: 276mm
Spine width: 8mm