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Peanuts Storybook Treasury

Peanuts Storybook Treasury - Peanuts

Hardback (27 Aug 2024)

  • $24.89
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Publisher's Synopsis

Join the Peanuts gang on their adventures in this beautiful new storybook treasury featuring eighteen stories in over 300 pages!

Lucy and Charlie Brown try to be the best big siblings they can when Lucy thinks Linus has outgrown his baby blanket and Charlie's sister Sally first comes home. Snoopy and Woodstock reminisce on their long and happy friendship. Through feats of imagination, changing seasons, sportsmanship, and more, the Peanuts gang learn and grow together.

This charming collection includes:
Lose the Blanket, Linus!
Kick the Football, Charlie Brown!
Cool Like Snoopy
Messy Like Pigpen
Snoopy for President
Sweet Like Sally
A Best Friend for Snoopy
A Best Friend for Woodstock
It's Hockey Time, Franklin
You're a Big Brother, Charlie Brown!
Nice to Meet You, Franklin
Shoot for the Moon, Snoopy!
Snoopy's Snow Day
Woodstock's Sunny Day
Woodstock's First Flight
It's Springtime, Snoopy
The Many Faces of Snoopy
Hugs for Snoopy

(c) 2024 Peanuts Worldwide LLC

Book information

ISBN: 9781665960304
Publisher: Simon Spotlight
Imprint: Simon Spotlight
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 1179g
Height: 231mm
Width: 234mm
Spine width: 23mm