Publisher's Synopsis
El último mensaje al mundo de un resistente polìtico ruso que pagó con su vida el precio de sus convicciones.
Alexéi Navalni empezó a escribir Patriota poco después del envenenamiento que casi lo mata en 2020. Este libro es la historia completa de su vida: su juventud, sus inicios en el activismo, su familia y su compromiso con la causa de la democracia frente a los esfuerzos de la superpotencia rusa por silenciarlo. Con prosa ágil y elocuente, que incluye la correspondencia inédita que logró transferir desde su encierro, Navalni relata su carrera polìtica y los intentos de asesinato que él y su cìrculo padecieron, asì como la infatigable campaña que, junto a su equipo, llevaron a cabo contra un régimen cada vez más autoritario.
Con la misma sinceridad y coraje que le definieron, Patriota es un conmovedor relato de sus años finales en una de las prisiones más brutales que existen, un recuerdo de por qué los principios de la libertad individual son tan fundamentales y una llamada entusiasta a continuar con la obra por la que dio la vida.
"Este libro es un testimonio no solo de la vida de Alexei, sino de su inquebrantable compromiso en la lucha contra la dictadura, una lucha por la que lo dio todo, incluida su vida. A través de sus páginas, los lectores conocerán al hombre que amé profundamente, un hombre de profunda integridad y valentìa inquebrantable. Compartir su historia no solo honrará su memoria, sino que también inspirará a otros a defender lo que es correcto y a nunca perder de vista los valores que realmente importan." -Yulia Navalnaya
The powerful and moving memoir of a fearless political opposition leader who paid the ultimate price for his beliefs.
Alexei Navalny began writing Patriot shortly after his near-fatal poisoning in 2020. It is the full story of his life: his youth, his call to activism, his marriage and family, his commitment to challenging a world super-power determined to silence him, and his total conviction that change cannot be resisted-and will come.
In vivid, page-turning detail, including never-before-seen correspondence from prison, Navalny recounts, among other things, his political career, the many attempts on his life, and the lives of the people closest to him, and the relentless campaign he and his team waged against an increasingly dictatorial regime.
Written with the passion, wit, candor, and bravery for which he was justly acclaimed, Patriot is Navalny's final letter to the world: a moving account of his last years spent in the most brutal prison on earth; a reminder of why the principles of individual freedom matter so deeply; and a rousing call to continue the work for which he sacrificed his life.
"This book is a testament not only to Alexei's life, but to his unwavering commitment to the fight against dictatorship-a fight he gave everything for, including his life. Through its pages, readers will come to know the man I loved deeply-a man of profound integrity and unyielding courage. Sharing his story will not only honor his memory but also inspire others to stand up for what is right and to never lose sight of the values that truly matter." -Yulia Navalnaya