Publisher's Synopsis
If we look into our past we notice that about 4.400 million of years ago the planet ´mars´ crashed against our ´earth´, causing an enormous explosion which formed our ´moon´, creating an atmosphere full of elements such as carbon dioxide´ ´hydrogen´, ´oxygen´, nitrogen´, ´calcium´ and ´sulfur´. Everything necessary for our life. The Universe ´was very small, and you needed a microscope to observe it, but suddenly double ditz size, every 10 to 30 seconds, becoming time bigger, making our existence possible, and also includes whirl winds and many gases to fill the Universe, because without them we could not have stars, but only gases and eternal darkness. And so ´gravity´was created galaxy, liberating enormous heat, creating ´heavy metals, forming a ´Supernova´, with a new nuclear synthesis, In the Cosmos clouds of gases are necessary to form a new ´solar system´.. The Cosmic radiation in the background is the light left by the "Big Bang", more than 13.750 millions of years ago. We do not know how everything started, and the words ]IHC" means the great collision of "Hadrons", also known as the ]Machine of God", and when two particles crash together with great energy after the "Big Bang", and it is possible to accelerate the particles millions of times with more energy than the "IHC".TheUniverse is expanding more and more, and could be that we belong to another Universe?But should there be only one Universe, the cloud of dust, compressed by electrostatic forces, formed ourplanets, 200 million years ago. Our physical world is composed of: electricity, magnetism, gases, optic, acoustic, mechanic, ex-rays, cathode rays, electrons, radioactivity, and others.The diameter of an ]Atom] equals about 0,00000008 cm. According to ´Albert Einstein´ the contents of a stone can be transformed in ´energy´. The radioactivity of an element can disintegrate other elements. Then there are ´the principles of Thermodynamic of J.W.Gibbs. and ´Max Plank. - ´The Quantic Theory´, The velocity of ´light´never changes.Then there are ´the principles of relativity´ of Albert Einstein´.Relativity means that ]Space-Time´ are not absolute, and Relativity can never reach the speed of light.According to ´Einstein´, time always changes, and according to ´Hawkins´ it is also interconnected with 3periods of space, called- ´Space-Time´.