Passion and Elegance

Passion and Elegance How Flamenco and Classical Ballet Met at the Ballets Russes - Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies

Hardback (28 Mar 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book commences with the history of Indian, Egyptian, Arab, and flamenco dance, then compares and contrasts the history of both classical ballet and flamenco.

The book outlines the early roots of flamenco in India, and the journey of the Romani through the Middle East and Europe up to their final destination in Spain. Alongside this, the history of classical ballet is detailed from its beginning in Italy to its later development in France. The book spans the period from the temples of India to Massine's Spanish ballet, The Three-cornered Hat, for the Ballets Russes. The chronicle of flamenco's journey from India to Spain is important to understanding the development of classical ballet as it relates to The Three-cornered Hat, which is the culmination of the story. The evolution of costumes, space, scenery, and props is examined along with the historical parallels.

This exploration is set to inspire and encourage choreographers to partner other dance forms with ballet as Leonide Massine did with flamenco in The Three-cornered Hat while also challenging the anthropological idea of the language of dance movement tracing the migration of people.

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Book information

ISBN: 9781032421605
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Pub date:
DEWEY: 793.31946
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 238g
Height: 224mm
Width: 145mm
Spine width: 12mm