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Parenting Teens With Love and Logic

Parenting Teens With Love and Logic Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood

Updated and expanded Edition

Hardback (03 May 2006)

  • $23.58
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Publisher's Synopsis

Parents need help to teach their teens how to make decisions responsibly-and do so without going crazy or damaging the relationship.

Parenting Teens with Love and Logic, from the duo who wrote Parenting with Love and Logic, empowers parents with the skills necessary to set limits, teach important skills, and encourage decision-making in their teenagers.

Covering a wide range of real-life issues teens face-including divorce, ADD, addiction, and sex-this book gives you the tools to help your teens find their identity and grow in maturity. Indexed for easy reference.

Book information

ISBN: 9781576839300
Publisher: Piñon Press
Imprint: NavPress
Pub date:
Edition: Updated and expanded Edition
DEWEY: 649.125
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 317
Weight: 522g
Height: 163mm
Width: 239mm
Spine width: 33mm