P-47D Razorback

P-47D Razorback Normandy 1944 - Colour & Scale

Paperback (28 Jul 2024) | English,Polish

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Publisher's Synopsis

P-47D Razorback variants are shown, aircraft used over Normandy in 1944. This book consists of 16 pages and features detailed scale plans in both 1/72 and 1/48 scales. It includes 12-14 colour profiles, providing a visual guide to various markings. Caption is presented in English, complemented by colour profiles captions, which are provided in Polish.

Book information

ISBN: 9788367227681
Publisher: MMP Books
Imprint: MMPBooks
Pub date:
DEWEY: 623.7460420228
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English,Polish
Number of pages: 16
Weight: -1g
Height: 300mm
Width: 208mm