Publisher's Synopsis
'Scholarly, ambitious and scrupulous'. This is how the TLS recently described the Oxford Reader's Companion Series. In September 2000, the book which pioneered the series, The Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens, came out in paperback. Now the Oxford Reader's Companions to Trollope, Hardy, Conrad, and George Eliot will follow on from its success. In this format each of these books, designed specifically to appeal to students of literature, contains a more comprehensive and accessible range of information than any other reference works on these writers. George Eliot was not only a great novelist but an important journalist and translator too, and her intellectual interests ranged far beyond literature and across many different cultures. The challenge faced by the compilers of this Companion was to do justice to the extraordinary range and depth of her intellectual life and creative work. The result is the most comprehensive guide to the life and work of George Eliot ever written. There is much interest in George Eliot both in scholarly circles and amongst general readers of Victorian fiction.;This Companion offers not only information and analysis of George Eliot's novels but also coverage of short stories, essays, poetry and translations, letters, and journals. Over 50 literary scholars from a variety of backgrounds from around the world contribute the latest thinking and expertise to this Companion. Entries include: Life of George Eliot: health, travels, pets owned by George Eliot, brothers and sisters of George Eliot Friends and associates: Lord Acton, Charles Bray, Florence Nightingale, Anthony Trollope Novels: Adam Bede, Daniel Deronda, Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial life, Romola Stories: 'Brother Jacob', 'The Lifted Veil' Essays and reviews: 'Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt', 'How I came to write Fiction', 'Notes on Form in Art' Themes: animals, characterization, class, crime, gender, irony, melodrama, society, the woman question Other writers: Aristotle, Jane Austen, E. T. A. Hoffman, John Keats, William Shakespeare, Mary Wollstonecraft, Emily Dickinson, Thomas Hardy, George Sand, Walt Whitman, Virginia Woolf Art and artists: illustrations, Rembrandt, J. M. W.;Turner Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Joseph Haydn Other contexts: feminism, education, politics, society, anti-Semitism, law, race, radicalism, technology, philosophy, utilitarianism, Christianity Publishing: John Chapman, The Cornhill Magazine, The Fortnightly Review, serialization Places: America, Berlin, Coventry, France, Ilfracombe, Munich, Oxford Reception and criticism: biographies of George Eliot, reputation In addition to A-Z entries, the book offers extra material: a useful classified contents list grouping headwords in thematic batches, a family tree, maps showing fictional settings and George Eliot's travels, a general bibliography, an alphabetical list of characters, and a time chart showing events in George Eliot's life in a historical and literary context.