Publisher's Synopsis
My Own Self Worth And Value Striving for Excellence" The sense of one's own value or worth as a person, self-esteem, self-respect. It is important to know who you are, than who you're not. I'm free to be me, comfortable of who I am. Stepped into my own 'Annointing'. No one can beat me to be me, when, who, I am. I can be quiet and powerful. I'm equipped for my destiny. When God planned my life, he planned it fully loaded. God doesn't make mistakes. i am fearfully and wonderfully made. The only time God uses "very good" is when he made me. What God gave me I took what God gave me and made the best of it. God I recognize that you are soverign, I realize you gave me gifts and others have more, I appreciate what gifts you have gave me. My fullfillment is going to come through me. God put greatness in me, something significant in me, something big is about to happen my "Books," my dreams, my season is coming, my promotion being discussed. It was a 'Test'. What God put in me is more than you can imagine. "God' said I put the "Promise" in you "Pamela," abundance. I am full of Potential, Promotion things are changing. I am 'strong, bold and had to say 'No' I am not that!!! One of the hardest truths for me to embrace in my love of writing god picked out for me is I wrote about my life. I write using the gift god picked out for me. Each gift of writing is unique. I have considered the ability to write well and a 'special' gift. I hope you've enjoyed my writing and I am very grateful. Thank You! Author _Pamela Renee' Knight Knight, P. Renee' (2017)