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Outer Space Vs Battlespace

Outer Space Vs Battlespace Emerging Domain of Warfare

Hardback (20 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

History shows that every medium-land, sea and air-has seen conflict. Reality dictates the space will be no different. The access to space and its use cannot be put in reverse gear. Outer space is still a peaceful place but the possibility of this domain turning into a theatre of armed conflict cannot be ruled out. Will battlespace engulf outer space? It is imperative to define how the military can use space assets, protect them, and devise new ways of handling this unique environment.

Certain questions relating to the exploitation of outer space demand clear answers. For instance: Is outer space a part of battlespace? What is the international responsibility for the actions of commercial establishments and non-state actors in outer space; What military activity could be permitted on the Moon and celestial bodies; Where are the thresholds for interference, intervention, use of force, and armed attack in self-defence lies; and, Whether IHL applies in the event of an armed conflict occurring in the outer space? This book attempts to search for answers to some of these issues.

Book information

ISBN: 9788119438440
Publisher: Vij Books India
Imprint: Vij Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 212
Weight: 481g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 16mm