Out of the Wreckage

Out of the Wreckage A New Politics for an Age of Crisis

Hardback (05 Sep 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A toxic ideology rules the world - of extreme competition and individualism. It misrepresents human nature, destroying hope and common purpose. Only a positive vision can replace it, a new story that re-engages people in politics and lights a path to a better world.

George Monbiot shows how new findings in psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology cast human nature in a radically different light: as the supreme altruists and cooperators. He shows how we can build on these findings to create a new politics: a 'politics of belonging'. Both democracy and economic life can be radically reorganized from the bottom up, enabling us to take back control and overthrow the forces that have thwarted our ambitions for a better society.

Urgent, and passionate, Out of the Wreckage provides the hope and clarity required to change the world.

About the Publisher



Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.

Book information

ISBN: 9781786632883
Publisher: Verso
Imprint: Verso
Pub date:
DEWEY: 306.2
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 214
Weight: 386g
Height: 221mm
Width: 161mm
Spine width: 22mm