Publisher's Synopsis
The greatest hindrance to personal soul winning is the traditional attitudes of the Christian. For too long, the Christian has made himself contented with his stand or membership in the Church. He has taken the attitude of a spectator, who on Sunday mornings, goes to the very letterthe beautiful music of the choir, the eloquent sermons of the minister, the large offerings, etc. The Christian of today is saying I am satisfied because I have salvation. There is no concern for those who are dying daily without knowing that Jesus saves. Christians can never become soul winners until they become concerned and go where sinner is! One must understand the difference between witnessing and soul winning. When a person witnesses, he gives the gospel literature and does not personally talk with the individual, but when one is soul winning he communicates with the prospect himself and gives the gospel. He personally leads a soul to Christ. OUT WHERE THEY ARE PROVIDES a 5-POINT PLAN TO REACH SOULS AT A PERSONAL LEVEL. It works!