Our Cat Hogan - Could He Be Part Dog?

Our Cat Hogan - Could He Be Part Dog?

Hardback (13 Nov 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

OUR CAT HOGAN - COULD HE BE PART DOG? is the amusing story of a real-life Kansas Cat who seems a bit confused. After adopting him, Hogan's family noticed he was MUCH FRIENDLIER than any other cat they had ever been around. Other people noticed too. Some would even say: "This cat is more like a dog!" Come read along! And by the end of the book, you and your children will likely understand why Hogan's family is always asking: "Our Cat Hogan, Could He Be Part Dog?"

Book information

ISBN: 9781618633583
Publisher: Bookstand Publishing
Imprint: Bookstand Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 82g
Height: 280mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 6mm