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Oscar Wilde Miscellaneous

Oscar Wilde Miscellaneous La Sainte Courtisane & A Florentine Tragedy: Literature Classics

Paperback (04 Jul 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

La Sainte Courtisane French for ("The Holy Courtesan") is an unfinished play by Oscar Wilde written in 1894. The original draft was left in a taxi cab by the author, and was never completed. It was first published in 1908 by Wilde's literary executor, Robert Ross. It has never been performed, and has been little studied. A Florentine Tragedy is a fragment of a never-completed play by Oscar Wilde. The subject concerns Simone, a wealthy 16th-century Florentine merchant who finds his wife Bianca in the arms of a local prince, Guido Bardi. After feigning hospitality, Simone challenges the interloper to a duel, disarms him, and strangles him. This awakens the affection of his wife; and the two are reconciled. In 1914 the young Italian composer Carlo Ravasegna (Turin 1891-Rome 1964) wrote a short opera "Una Tragedia Fiorentina" to a translation/libretto by Ettore Moschino. The libretto was published with Wilde's name by the Tipografia Subalpina, Turin, 1914.

Book information

ISBN: 9781535081450
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Imprint: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 118g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 2mm