Publisher's Synopsis
A modern telling of an ancient myth.
Dr. James Lambert and Dr. Dee Bryant are forced down into the criminal underworld in a search for a designer drug that may hold the secret to Parkinson's disease. Orpheus, a man who is well acquainted with the underworld, warns the doctors that this journey may be their very last. In legend Orpheus was the most gifted musician of ancient times. He learnt the secrets of the Underworld when he descended to Hades to rescue his beloved Eurydice. The extraordinary incidents and medical details of this story are true.The victims were all found exactly as depicted. AND THE LORD WREAKED VENGENCE ON THE SINFUL CITIES OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH
AND THOSE THAT LOOKED BACK WERE TURNED TO PILLARS OF SALT. Genesis 19-22 In the war against drugs it is often the innocent who suffer more than the guilty