Publisher's Synopsis
Your Comprehensive OWL kit in English and Spanish includes the following components, which are also available for sale separately (see listings under Product Name below)
- Teacher's Guide Package: 1 Teacher Guide per Unit, Total of 8. Dual-Language
- Planning and Assessment Teacher's Guide. Dual-Language
- Trade Books: 32 in English, 31 in Spanish
- Big Books: 11 in English, 11 in Spanish
- Little Big Books: 11 in English, 11 in Spanish
- Read Aloud Anthology: 1 Dual Language
- Read More About It Books: 4 in English, 4 in Spanish
- Ollie and Friends Readers: 8 in English, 8 in Spanish
- Story Time Cards: English and Spanish
- Concept Word Cards: Dual-Language
- Amazing Word Cards: Dual-Language
- Alphabet Cards
- Envision It! Retelling Storyboards
- Ollie's Envision It! Learning Strips: Dual-Language
- Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Picture Cards: English and Spanish
- Poetry Posters: English and Spanish
- Ollie Puppet
- Ollie's Classroom Schedule
- Sing Along Songs and Poems Audio CD
- AudioText Audio CD
- Ollie's Resources for Teachers and Families CD
- Interactive Big Books DVD ROM (English and Spanish)
- Digital Teacher's Guide Plus! DVD-ROM
- Online OWL access through Pearson SuccessNet (PSN) is included with purchase. Access includes 1 teacher and 20 students access to all online OWL resources
- OWL Manipulative Kit is available separately for purchase and is not included with the OWL Comprehensive Kit
31 in Spanish
- Call Me Alex!
- Corduroy
- Oscar Is Cold
- Matthew and Tilly
- Quinito Day & Night Quinito dIa y noche
- Onga Bonga
- Kevin and His Dad
- Antonio's Birthday Fiesta
- The Two-Promise Walk
- A Day in the Life of a Firefighter
- The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza)
- The Ugly Vegetables
- Farm
- Otis
- Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type
- Apple Farmer Annie
- Amazing Jungle!
- Chameleon's Colors
- Two Cool Coyotes
- The Gingerbread Cowboy
- Night Shift Daddy
- One Dark Night
- A Tree for All Seasons
- Think Green!
- Whistle for Willie
- Moonbear's Shadow
- Racoon on His Own
- The Puddle Pail Oscar and the Cricket
- A Little Bit More
- Gilberto and the Wind
- The Cool Pool
- LlAmenme Alex!
- Corduroy (en espaNol)
- Oscar tiene frIo
- Mateo y Mati
- Kevin y su papA
- La fiesta de cumpleaNos de Antonio
- El paseo de dos promesas
- Un dIa en la vida de un bombero
- La gallinita roja (hace una pizza)
- Los vegetales feos
- La granja
- Otis
- Clic, Clac, Muu: Vacas escritoras
- Ana cultiva manzanas
- La asombrosa selva!
- Los colores del camaleOn
- Los dos coyotes
- El vaquero de jengibre
- PapA sale de noche
- Una noche oscura
- Un Arbol para todas las estaciones
- Pensemos verde!
- SIlbale a Willie
- La sombra de Osito
- Mapache, solito
- El cubo de charcos
- Un poquito mAs
- Gilberto y el viento
- La piscina marina
- My Friends
- Farmer John
- Desert Quails Hit Jungle Trails
- Tiny Mouse, Roaring Lion
- When Tomo Moves
- Push! Pull! Go!
- The Armadillo Family's Colorful Picnic Countdown
- Our ABC Friends
- Tasting Time on Harmony Street
- Trucktown Helpers
- Friends Have Feelings
- Mis Amigos
- El granjero SimOn
- Del desierto a la jungla
- Diminuto ratOn, rugiente leOn
- Cuando Tomi se mueve
- JalOn o empujOn!
- El picnic de la familia Armadillo
- Nuestros amigos del alfabeto
- Hora de saborear en la calle ArmonIa
- Ayudantes de Trucktown
- Los amigos tienen sentimientos
11 in Spanish
- My Friends
- Tasting Time on Harmony Street
- Trucktown Helpers
- Farmer John
- Desert Quails Hit Jungle Trails
- Tiny Mouse, Roaring Lion
- When Tomo Moves
- Push! Pull! Go!
- The Armadillo Family's Colorful Picnic Countdown
- Our ABC Friends
- Friends Have Feelings
- Mis Amigos
- Hora de saborear en la calle ArmonIa
- Ayudantes de Trucktown
- El granjero SimOn
- Del desierto a la jungla
- Diminuto ratOn, rugiente leOn
- Cuando Tomi se mueve
- JalOn o empujOn!
- El picnic de la familia Armadillo
- Nuestros amigos del alfabeto
- Los amigos tienen sentimientos
8 in Spanish
- We Are Friends
- Kitten's Family
- Ollie Pretends
- Red Bird on the Farm
- Ollie Colors!
- Changes
- Shadow or Reflection
- Friends Move
- Somos amigos
- La famila de Gatita
- Oli juega
- Pajarito rojo en la granja
- Oli colorea!
- Cambios
- Sombra o reflejo
- Los amigos se mueven