Publisher's Synopsis
OneKey offers the best teaching and learning online resources all in one place. OneKey is all instructors need to plan and administer their course. OneKey is all students need for anytime, anywhere access to online course material. Conveniently organized by textbook chapter, these compiled resources help save time and help students reinforce and apply what they have learned. OneKey for convenience, simplicity, and success. OneKey is available in three course management platforms: BlackBoard, CourseCompass, and WebCT.
For the Student OneKey includes: "Document Makeovers" that allow students to practice their revision skills, Peak Performance grammar assessment tool, Learning Modules for each chapter divided into four sections. Each section has a pretest of five questions, a summary for review, an online learning activity, and a post-test of 10 questions.
For the Instructors OneKey includes: The Instructor Resource Center (including PowerPoint, Test Item File, TestGen EQ, Instructor Manual with Video Guide, Art files from the text, and access to all student resources)