Publisher's Synopsis
Based to some extent on the author's own life and experience, Once Upon a Ship tells the story of Sri, a young, shy Javanese woman who is greatly affected by her father's death when she is a teenager. She eventually moves to Jakarta and begins to find her own way, first through continuing her traditional dance activities, then in radio broadcasting. Her language ability results in friendships with foreigners. Through an old school friend, Narti, she meets the pilot Saputro, and falls in love. They have already made plans to marry when these are dashed. What should Sri do now? Should she accept the advances of the rich American Carl, or the cultured French diplomat, Charles Vincent? What will married life hold in store for Sri? And when she sails on a ship from Japan to France, why is she so drawn to one of the ship's officers? Once Upon a Ship tells of a young woman's voyage, not just halfway around the world, but also in search of her own hopes for peace and self-worth, as she embarks on a new life and faces the challenges of being both an outsider in a different culture as well as her own human dignity.