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Two Novels from the Caucasus

Two Novels from the Caucasus - Central Asian Literatures in Translation

Paperback (31 Oct 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book will attract those interested in contemporary literature, the lives of ordinary people during modern conflicts, nuances of peace and war in the South Caucasus, and the prospects of reconciliation in post-conflict regions. 

It tackles societal, cultural, and economic issues and problems of the USSR, the post-Soviet space, and the Kremlin as a key player in all those conflicts. 

Moreover, the book's content aligns with the current Russian-Ukrainian war, where parallels can be made between how the Kremlin continues to use conflicts to feed its own imperialism. 

It will also appeal to students majoring in conflict studies, politics and international relations, and historians interested in the former USSR, Russia, and geopolitics. 

It will also be useful for thematic think tanks and research institutions.

Book information

ISBN: 9798887195612
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Imprint: Cherry Orchard Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 891.735
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 340
Weight: 550g
Height: 127mm
Width: 204mm
Spine width: 33mm