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Israel and the Nations

Israel and the Nations The Bible, the Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations - Emunot: Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah

Paperback (02 Nov 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Israel and the Nations: The Bible, The Rabbis, and Jewish-Gentile Relations explores the Jewish theology and law (Halakhah) relating to non-Jews. It analyzes biblical, talmudic, medieval, and contemporary Jewish writings about gentiles and their religions. The Bible challenges the Jewish people to be "a blessing for all the families of the earth." Yet throughout history, Jewish experience with gentiles was complex. In the biblical and talmudic eras most gentiles were assumed to be idolators. In the Middle Ages most rabbis considered their Christian neighbors idolators, and Christian enmity sharpened the otherness Jews felt toward their Christian hosts. Muslims were monotheists, but Jewish-Muslim relations were sometimes positive and at other times difficult. With the advent secular tolerance in modernity, Jews found themselves in a new relationship with their gentile neighbors. How should Jews relate to gentiles today, and what are the bounds of Jewish tolerance and religious pluralism? The book will interest both Jewish laypersons familiar with Jewish tradition as well as scholars of theology and interfaith relations.

Book information

ISBN: 9798887192550
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Imprint: Academic Studies Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 198
Weight: 286g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 11mm