On the Origin of Christian Scripture

On the Origin of Christian Scripture The Evolution of the New Testament Canon in the Second Century

Hardback (19 Sep 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Comparing the Canonical Edition to other second-century publications on Jesus, David Trobisch sees the New Testament as an enlarged revision of an older publication attributed to Marcion. This perspective provides new answers to the origin of the Johannine corpus, the synoptic parallels, and the authorship of the letters of Paul"--.

Book information

ISBN: 9781506486147
Publisher: Fortress Press
Imprint: Fortress Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 225.12
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20230721
Language: English
Number of pages: 205
Weight: 432g
Height: 148mm
Width: 225mm
Spine width: 23mm